Making the Decision: Glasses vs Contacts


When it comes to fixing your vision, two main choices pop up: glasses and contact lenses. But how do you decide? This blog post breaks down the pros and cons of each to help you figure out what suits your lifestyle best.

First things first, think about your daily routine, job, and preferences. Your lifestyle will be the key to finding the right fit. For those who have a more active lifestyle or need to wear safety glasses for work, contacts may be a better option. People with high prescription may also find contacts more comfortable as there is less peripheral distortion. 

On the other hand, people who spend all day in front of a computer may find having glasses more comfortable and less drying. When it comes to progressive or multifocal lenses, most patients find more success with glasses as not all patients can adapt to multifocal contact lenses. 

Advantages of Glasses:

  • Glasses are easy to use, low maintenance and easy to clean. Not only do they provide eye protection, but they can be a fashion accessory as well. Glasses are also generally a one-time cost and can last years when taken care of properly.

Considerations for Glasses:

  • Depending on the frames chosen, frames can obstruct vision when viewing through them, and patients with high prescriptions may notice limited peripheral vision. Glasses are also not ideal for sports. Wearing glasses in hot temperatures, such as in saunas and hot tubs, or leaving them in a hot car can distort the coatings on the lenses.  

Advantages of Contact Lenses:

  • Contacts give the viewer unrestricted vision and full field of vision with no distortion while giving the person a natural look. They are great for activities, such as sports. Contacts also don't fog up or create glare like glasses can.

Considerations for Contact Lenses:

  • Contacts need regular cleaning and proper hygiene, and some people might have allergies or sensitivities to the material used. Contacts may also have an adjustment period when first wearing them. Multifocal contacts tend to be harder to adapt to or may not be a good fit. Contacts can be more costly than glasses spending on the prescription and the type of contacts being used. 

Making the Decision:

  • Visit an eye care professional for personalized advice. They can help you figure out if glasses or contacts will be a better fit for you. Experimenting with both glasses and contacts for a trial period may be another great option. Lastly, think about your budget for ongoing expenses like lens replacements and cleaning solutions.

Picking between glasses and contacts boils down to your lifestyle and comfort. By weighing the advantages and considerations of each, you can make a smart decision that fits seamlessly into your daily life. Most people use a combination of both, changing between the two to suit their lifestyle needs at the time. 

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